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Boxing & Fitness Classes at Legend Boxing Club
Boxing and Fitness Classes are now offered at Legend Boxing Club. Men, Women and Children of all Ages Welcomed! Call +92 300 8874149 Now and start the training of a lifetime. Try our Free Trail class today!
Benefits of Boxing Fitness
One of the excellent physical training regimens that have gained popularity in the recent past is boxing. It is placed high and helps you to get into the best shape even during the training period. With perfect training you can earn to fight and become a good boxer. Boxing Fitness not only helps to increase the muscular stature but also help you to gain mental strength. It is the perfect form of workout that balances mind, body and soul. The many benefits of boxing include:
1. Perfect defense for dangers.
Boxing Fitness training teaches you a perfect combination of punches. These can be used for self defense in dangerous and unsafe situations.
2. Helps to reduce excessive body weight.
Boxing Fitness training sessions help to burn as high as 500 calories in a single work out. Thus regular boxing workouts can be helpful in reducing the excessive body weight and fat.
3. Beneficial for the heart.
Regular boxing fitness training sessions help to maintain a balanced heart rate. It also helps to improve the strength of heart muscles, thus providing them a healthier heart.
4. Beneficial for the bones and muscles.
Boxing improves the strength and flexibility of all muscle groups in the body. It also helps to develop joints and overall skeletal system. The body balance, strength and efficiency in doing various physical activities improve with time.
5. Gives strength to you arms.
During boxing fitness training sessions, sparring and jogging during the punches requires repetitive motions of the arms. These repeated movements provide strength and power to your arms and legs.
6. Helps to relieve stress.
Regular boxing training sessions helps to relive physical and mental stress. People who attend boxing training sessions are found to be happy and cheerful as they keep away from stress.
7. Keeps away anger.
Boxing training aids you in getting rid of anger that continuously develops inside you. When you punch during boxing schedules this anger comes out. Once the stress and anger are released, your body becomes light and mind becomes peaceful. Thus boxing is good workout for getting a relaxed frame of mind.
Once you get into the regular boxing fitness training schedule you will have a physically fit body and a peaceful mind. This will help you keep yourself in better shape. Each practicing boxer has the option of exercising and working out at his preferred skill and level. So enjoy the fun and get lots of benefits from boxing training programs.
Modern Methods & Technique of Boxing.
Free Training Equipments provide.
Separate boys and girls classes.
Confirm Govt. jobs as a Boxer.
Qualified & Experience faculty.
Free purified drinking water.
Morning & Evening Classes.
Gym Training machines.
Free foreign tour chance.
Free Changing Rooms
Free running track.
Free Trail Classes.
Free Wash rooms.
Free Parking Lot.
Low Expensive.
Home Classes,
Free diet plan
Free Wi-Fi
1. Defense
Your opponent will average 60-150 power punches per round. If you don’t know how to block and doge punches, ESPECIALLY when you’re tired and every punch hurts more, you’re goanna get knocked out.
2. Speed
If your punches aren’t fast enough to hit your opponent, you’re screwed. Not only will you not be able to score, you’re also unable to hurt him and keep him from attacking you with everything he has. Make sure your hand speed stays with you throughout the fight. You can have all the power in the world, but without the speed, it means nothing! You can be as tired as you want, but your hands better be fast enough to touch your opponent–or else your punches will have absolutely ZERO effect on your opponent.
3. Power
If you don’t have the proper technique and physicality to hurt your opponent, he will walk you down and outgun you till you hit the canvas. Power doesn’t come from wild swinging, that only wastes energy. True power comes from good technique. You want effective and efficient punching form! And then of course, you need to do explosive work in training. You don’t need to have knockout power, you just need to make sure that you have the power to hurt him.
5. Autonomy
Inside the ring is not the place for you to be thinking about what to do next. All your punch combinations and counters should be automatic by now.
It’s ok to think about general fight strategy such as “Pump the jab. Hooks to the body in close. Pivot off the ropes.”
What you should NOT be thinking is “Jab, right, left hook, right uppercut, left hook, right cross. Block the jab with the right hand. Keep the chin down.”
I mean seriously, if you still have to remind yourself to keep your hands up, then you’re not ready for amateur fighting. Your stance and defense should have been automatic by now. Actually, EVERYTHING should be automatic by now. Offensive moves, defensive moves, counter moves, everything. If you can’t fight automatically and respond instantaneously, you’re in deep trouble.
Imagine a basketball player. He’s not thinking about how to dribble between his legs or how to make a jump shot. He’s paying attention to other players in the game and deciding where he wants to be.